Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Three Loveless Friends (Part 2)

One night, they sat on the seaside along the Queen’s Necklace-Marine Drive. It is something that sea does to you that you feel like sharing all that you can. So the three did too; shared until there was nothing that could be talked about. While doing so they realized that they had all loved and lost in their life. And this is what brought them the closer-the feeling of being lonely amongst friends; the feeling of being loveless.
The 1st guy, being the charmer that he was, wanted to be in a relationship, desperately. Whether it was the raging hormones, or the need to be one amongst the lot, no one will ever know. He was in a complicated-something-more-than-friendship relationship with a girl. It was all he ever wanted- to be talking incessantly over the phone; to dreaming about her as his wife; to even dreaming about which school his kids would go to. He had figured it out, completely. But the girl was not on board. She disagreed on everything that our puppy-eyed guy ever hoped for. Disagreements turned into arguments, arguments into abuses. Whatever it was, it fell apart. The guy went through the normal break-up routine- grew his beard, slept very little (almost never), watched action films back to back, and then after much persuasion from his friends, cried a little, and finally called her a “sl**” and moved on . But incapacitated he was to the point that he knew he was done with love. He looked at the other two after narrating the above.
The girl dramatically stared at the sky and then went on with her story. She had found him- the guy that she knew was not right for her, but WAS for her. Perhaps, it was the wrongness of Mr. Wrong that attracted the rebel belle towards him. She fell head over heels for him and he ignored her. It was this quality of him that made her want him even more. Initially, he loved the attention that she poured on him, but as time passed, the guy went on to become worse than he ever was. He abused her at the slightest mistake she made. And there was a day when he made the mistake of slapping her. She, being herself, punched him right then and there. This was the first time she realized that she was a woman. And that too a strong one-one who could love unconditionally, but could bring down an entire army of baboons like him. Love had given her this scar that she still bore on her face.
It was the geek’s turn. His life was always about winning and losing. He always wanted to be a winner. And so he embarked on one such quest- that of finding love. Such was the travesty of his situation that he never was able to juggle his priorities. Maybe, he was waiting for love to find him; or maybe he was just too scared to ask any girl out with the fear of rejection-the fear of losing. Since, he was a kid, he had always had proximity issues with people-a feeling which arose out of losing his loved ones. He lost his grandmom when he was born, his grandfather when he started talking and his best friend in fateful car crash. The dog that he loved the most too was poisoned and killed by some nasty street kids. He told the 2 that this was why he never tried his luck at love again. He didn’t want to lose, again!
They were together for a year. And then they did not meet until 10 years!
To  be continued...

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