Thursday, September 8, 2011

The First Post!

I had been procrastinating about the first post that would find its place on my blog for the past 10 days. I came up with a lot of topics (and really funny ones, too. Keep watching this space for them.), but then when it came to writing one-I just felt like writing this. And this is what my blog will always contain-things straight out of my heart. And this is what I will always encourage my readers (if I even manage to get any) to do- to dance to the tune of their heart beat, stop using their brains for a moment (considering intelligent human beings are the only ones interested in reading) and be SPONTANA (this was a word coined by someone in my office (yes, a gujju) and he kept using it without any apprehension, with blatant ignorance, until I gave in and started using it myself).
The point of this post is to tell you all- Don’t plan too much. I had penned down weird ass ideas to work on. But at the end of the day I am writing down each sentence without knowing what would come next. And this feels good-doing what you want to do without thinking of the repercussions. When was the last time you DID what you WANTED to without a thought of the consequences? Mine was-writing this on 8th September 2011 at 12:36 am. Not knowing whether my blog will ever find an audience, not knowing whether I really want to be a writer, I will continue to write and that too relentlessly. At least someone, if not many, must be out there with whom I will strike a chord.
To a challenge of writing every day; to unedited posts; to people who do things to please themselves (pun NOT intended!); and finally, to an endless journey-cheers!
Without Wax,
Small Towner.


  1. nice start :) advice taken ;) n pun liked ;) a lot ;) waiting fr d next post :)

  2. great work..:)...stay true to your heart...always...

  3. Thanks all.
    @lilacme-Yes it is inspired by was liberating to watch people do things that they would normally not do..

  4. see you got audience... :)

  5. Thanks a lot people for the love and support./ Keep Reading Please

  6. thanks pavi...its inspired by people like u
