Thursday, October 6, 2011

Shakti, Thy Name is Woman!

My previous posts might have given the readers an impression that I am devoid of respect for women. But, that is quite the contradictory impression that is harbored! So to clear the air, please read on!
The Navaratri is the season that symbolizes womanhood. It makes you realize how important, powerful, benevolent, mystical and, of course, beautiful women can be. A woman surpasses men in every regard- intelligence, emotional strength, contentment, hard-work, commitment and dedication. She takes up several roopas (9 mythologically) when need comes and fulfills her role to the fullest. Durga slayed Maishasur with a dexterous ease that could not be achieved even by The Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh) goes on to prove that the fairer sex, though fair, is not fragile after all.
And it holds true even today. There are a million sob stories about women. Agreed! But then I feel they may not be accomplished women, because there also are exemplary women who have proved what a woman can do! The regular office going girl, who commutes in trains that are inundated with testosterone and are subjected to eve-teasing, raise their sandals and give the hooligans a taste of Kaali. She is the woman I hold in the highest regard. She goes to office and rubs shoulders with equally (or lesser) talented MEN, only to find her struggle harder than the ‘tougher’ sex. Her battle doesn’t end here as she has to equally juggle her family commitments, her friends and her other small little things that no one else would do for her.
Women are different than men. For example, ask a man why he loves her woman-he will come up with a reason; ask this to a woman and she will have no reasons. She loves whole-heartedly-as a lover, as a sister, and as a Mother, and she gives until she is exhausted, both physically and mentally. As a daughter she cares for her parents and never ceases to do so during her entire life; as a lover, she loves unconditionally and puts your life/career/success in front of hers; as a wife, she shares her joys, sorrows, and happiness; and as a mother, she truly becomes a WOMAN. I think the biggest joy of womanhood is motherhood- the ability to bring another life puts her to a pedestal next to God’s.
I feel that every man who has/had a woman in his life, has been awestruck by that woman at least once. He may not have acknowledged it (read male ego), but deep down inside he truly believes in the force that is “woman”.
 The women, who crib about being “abala” (crippled) in this male-dominated society, have no right of calling themselves women- they are plain cross-dressers! Because if you are a woman, stop sobbing over that fact that you are one. In fact, rejoice in the fact that you are one and invoke your true potential! Get over the fact that the world is indeed a terrible place to live in, especially for women. Be the Laxmi, Durga, (or even Kaali if you have to be) as inside each one of you is Shakti, the energy that drives the world!
PS- My mother has been a big influence in my life. Without her, I wouldn’t even be, right? So this one is for you-for being the best woman I know!