Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ugly, Why be Pagli?

The womankind is divided into 2 simple parts- those who look good, and those who WANT to look good. (Caution to the readers- if you belong to the latter category, don’t get disheartened read on. Also read my blog on women empowerment; that ought to make you happy!) Now the ones who are hot have it all-a good boyfriend, a great career, and above all, and they get a lot more attention from the humankind in general. If you observe their life closely, everything can be traced back to their looks. They pass in their exams thanks to their male teachers; they get promoted real fast, thanks to their male bosses; they get to break queues for a movie theater too, thanks to the men again. And they lament relentlessly about living in a man’s world. Had it not been a man’s world, these women would not have clambered the ladder of success with such ease!
Whereas on the other hand, the girls who want to look good are generally the slackers. I know this may sound harsh, but if you are a girl, not an ugly one, but just a plain-jane, have you gotten lesser attention even within your close-friend circle, than your other ‘fairer’ female-counterparts? So they start their efforts in ‘making-up’ for what the genes failed to do! These girls are the biggest consumers of cosmetics all around the world. If they are rich, then they are the most gullible of all fashion victims, and they think buying designer wear is a long-term investment. The war doesn’t end here! They are always in cahoots against the hot girls, and are constantly slandering those poor souls’ names. I mean how can all the hot girls be bi***es? If the gorgeous ones get a boyfriend, these unlucky ones call them sl**s; if they reduce weight in an extremely short span of time, the fat ones bicker about them going under the knife. They have excuses for everything and are generally dissatisfied souls. And I don’t blame these women-imagine being subjected to a lifetime of deprecation! They actually deserve to do a lot more derisive and diabolical things, but then life is not fair! In fact it is less than fair for these ugly bettys.
The real problem comes when these women from the lower rungs want to rise higher. Their first step towards achieving that-play hard to get with the guys; the second one-smother yourself in so much make-up that you resemble a porcelain geisha; the third and the ‘ugliest’-skin show. Now time for some veritaserum- 1st don’t play hard-to-get, you will only get disappointed as no guy will come running after you, except for some loser (but if you are that desperate, then you go gal!). 2nd make-up is like salt in food, it’s one of the ingredients (that too in a small amount), not the entire main course. 3rd, well, it might just work sometime, I mean living in a male-dominated society, remember!
So here is the real deal. Watch Ugly Betty and learn from her that being in your skin at all times is important- whether you look good or bad (or plain ugly). Cleopatra wasn’t beautiful either, but she ruled the Nile. Kajol almost looked like Shahrukh, it was like 2 men acting together in Baazigar, but she touched the hearts of millions. Still not getting it? Well, the key is to remain true to yourself! So what if you are ugly, you will do just fine, even better. Just don’t be a Pagli, trying to be something that you are not!
PS-If you like it, share it with your friends. Subscirbe using Networked Blogs or just press the +1 google button. Once, I reach 10000 readers, my blog will feature prominently on blogspot. Thanks for the readership until now, to reach 2500 with just a few posts, makes me wanna write more!


  1. dunt judge a book by its cover.....so y women?

  2. can there be a more pathetic post? those who want to look good are slackers? wt shit..i have friends who arent that 'good' but they dont do all the crap u just mentioned..i thought u might elaborate on how hard these chicks work to get to the top n ol but damn, guess i shouldn't be reading every blog on the wall..

    U know wot I think, get off the whole "blog" thing and go find urself a girl..n do check how many 'want to be pretty' girls around you do all that u jus said..

  3. whoa angry girl....i like it...thanks for ur comment...made my day...read the post about shakti-thy name is woman...i hope that will make you happy and clear your misconceptions about me. keep reading. ;)
    ps-i love strongly, opinionated people!keep commenting

  4. hi-I am a girl and I dont agree with the angry anonymous girl.I like the way you write. Anonymous above, RELAX

  5. thanks above happy reader..
    as an after thought for the angry reader-this post was read by 110 people in a mere 10 hours or so span. whereas shakti, thy name is woman is read by only 60. AND I think you are one of those who didnt read...if u did, why be such a pessimist. Anyway be happy
