Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Write? Yeah, Right!

Has there been a time when there’s one thing you think you are good at and then someone comes up and gives you a “reality check”? Well, I just had my share of being brought down a peg or two. I might be good at a lot of things (abysmal at many more), but there is one thing I hold close to my heart-it is my writing. I know by this time you all might be going like, “Constructive criticism, heard of it?” Yes, I have. And to be honest, some of the stuff I write is pure crap. But then there’s some that could be graded as average, if not good. So, I put my foot down and said to myself, “To Hell with them! I will write till my fingers bleed (hyperbole, inspired by many Bollywood films)! Be it verbose vomit! I don’t care!”

I am sure someone amongst you is a dancer, a singer, a musician (thanks to the plethora of talent shows on prime time television), a cricketer, an actor, and so on. And maybe that’s what you think you are, but you aren’t. You are probably the butt of all jokes at the cricket try-outs; maybe the bellowing of the buffaloes has more melody to it than your aalaaps; maybe the motionlessness of a stone is more entertaining than your wriggling and twisting your torso; or maybe John Abraham’s face (or ass) has more expressions than your face (or anything else for that matter!). But all this shouldn’t come in your way to doing what really makes you happy! If you think you are a Madhuri Dixit or a Meryl Streep or a Tendulkar or a Picasso or whoever you think you are, don’t stop thinking.

Think, but with conviction. Don’t lie to yourself. And if you are going to lie to yourself, then please don’t take yourself so seriously. You might not be the next big thing, but hey, in your own little world that you can create for yourself, you already are!
So do what you think you do well and let this be a message to all the snide people out there- that for better or for worse, they have to put up with your antics. And all said and done…I continue to write…(crap, maybe!)