I have always claimed that my blog contains everything imaginative (except for my personal story -The Connection, which was well read and appreciated, thank you!). But I faced a lot of flak over the authenticity of my other posts and its resemblance to people’s real lives. I don’t know why they would think that MY world (and my blog) would revolve around them (sigh)! But neither am I denying that Art Imitates Life. So if you think my blog mentions you, sleep well thinking that you are going to be famous, (as it is not even a month old and already has 2000 reads and counting) and stop bickering!
So this was about the people who don’t want to figure on my blog (But you never did, anyway!). But then, I have a friend, who is as weird ass as I am. And he comes with this sincere request- “Can you post about me?” How could I decline! Someone, even if from a different planet altogether, thought that my blog, my HUMBLE, stupid blog was a place where he could be written about, I was going to oblige, open heartedly. Moreover, it would be very useful to shut the gossip-mongers.
Oh, what should I say about him! I am sure when he meant that I should write good things about him, but did he say that explicitly? NO! So, I am going to write nasty, yet endearing things about him. You can either love him or you can really, really HATE him, there is no middle-ground. He is loud. LOUDER than my blog; louder than pandemonium of a 1000 drum rolls; even louder than Kareena’s lipstick in Chameli (I paused for about a min or 2, imagining Kareena’s lips and more :-P). But the best part about him is that he is unapologetic about it! Tell him he is loud, he will show you that he can take it to the next level; tell him that he is crass and he will display such behavior that you will forget all the sophistication. He is a simple man-happy and always smiling, and laughing. At first when I met him, I gave him the most disdained and disgusted look that I could manage with my facial muscles. This is what normally people feel-electrocuted! But then you get used to it and stoop down to his level of mediocrity.
People always claim to be honest, kind, peaceful and content. He has no such pretense. His assurance about being “jealous of you even if you are my best friend”, ”I am not going to tip the waiter, isn’t that his job?”, ”Listen, it’s just white lies (even though the lies are so blatantly colored that even he forgets the truth)!”, ”Why should we spend 200 for that movie, if we can watch this for 60?”, ”I should get half a mark more for this answer!”. You must be thinking what a whacko he is! But then it is in such peculiarities, I find a person who is honest (at least to me), generous and vaguely content.
There are people who live ordinary lives- they go to cool restaurants; they wear branded clothes; they dance to house music; they brag about how expensive they are. But then there is he-he goes to restaurant where you get Chinese Thali; he wears branded clothes (I think if I write otherwise, his girlfriend will ditch him :-P); he goes to a club and does garba; he brags about how cheap he is!
There are people who are not even worth writing a sentence about, but such a b*****d he is that I can’t stop writing. He is a friend to behold; he is the Boy-Who-Wanted-to-be-KNOWN.
(Readers please note that you can click on the +1 google button to like it, or share with your friends. I am just trying to publicize (I know it’s cheap) because it is an assurance of some sort.)